/ Eddy Current Magnetic Separation, Overhead Magnet & Recycling | Moore Watson Ltd
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Magnetic Separation

Eddy Current Magnetic Separation

a localized electric current induced in a conductor by a varying magnetic field.

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Ferrous metal

Non metal

Non ferrous metal

Feed material

The QJWDL series Eddy Current separating unit works on the system of separating non ferrous metals e.g. Aluminium,  Die-cast, copper etc from non-metallic materials.

The Eddy Current separating unit is positioned to accept material which has already been processed over a Drum Magnet to remove and recover any ferrous metals.

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Self cleaning Overband Magnet
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The manual cleaning overhead magnet is specifically designed for the extraction of occasional tramp iron and is suspended above non-magnetic conveyed material. 

Any ferrous material attracted to the magnet is manually removed by a non-magnetic scraper or suitable safety gloves.

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Recycleking ®

Complete with reciprocating feeder and roller brush screen mesh cleaners, processing demolition and industrial waste material - Newcastle, England. UK

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